From Can Tho to Chau Doc and Tinh Bien Border Chau Doc An Giang is located approx 120 km from CAN THO. The average trip takes 2,5 – 3 hours from Ninh Kieu Can Tho by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do […]
Author Archives: levantoan
From Can Tho to Ha Tien Border Ha Tien is located approx 220 km from CAN THO. The average trip takes 4,5 – 5 hours from Ninh Kieu Can Tho by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi in […]
From Can Tho to Rach Gia Speedboat Station Rach Gia is located approx 120 km from CAN THO. The average trip takes 2,5 – 3 hours from Ninh Kieu Can Tho by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi […]
From CAN THO to HA TIEN BORDER HA TIEN is located approx 190 km from CAN THO. The average trip takes 4-4,5 hours from Ninh Kieu Can Tho by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi in advance. 4-seat […]
From CHAU DOC to CAN THO Can Tho is located approx 90 km from Chau Doc. The average trip takes 2-2,5 hours from Chau Doc by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi in advance. 4-seat car from […]
From HA TIEN to CAN THO Can Tho is located approx 190 km from Ha Tien. The average trip takes 4-4,5 hours from HaTien by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi in advance. 4-seat car from Ha Tien […]
From HA TIEN to CHAU DOC Ha Tien is located approx 90 km from Chau Doc. The average trip takes 2-2,5 hours from HaTien by car/taxi. Nowadays, there is a service of taxi package that you will pay less than the normal cost. All you have to do is book the taxi in advance. 4-seat car from Ha Tien […]
Dịch Vụ Cho Thuê Xe Hợp Đồng Bến Tàu Rạch Giá Kiên Giang Chúng tôi cho thuê xe du lịch 4 chỗ tại Kiên Giang phục vụ đón/tiễn khách tại Bến tàu Rạch Giá, Hà Tiên và Cửa khẩu Hà Tiên. Xe du lịch 4, 7, 16, 29, 45 chỗ đời mới. Cho thuê xe du lịch ở Kiên Giang đi Cần Thơ, Châu […]
Dịch Vụ Cho Thuê Xe Bến Tàu Cao Tốc Kiên Giang Chúng tôi cho thuê xe du lịch 4 chỗ tại Kiên Giang phục vụ đón/tiễn khách tại Bến tàu Rạch Giá, Hà Tiên và Cửa khẩu Hà Tiên. Xe du lịch 4, 7, 16, 29, 45 chỗ đời mới. Cho thuê xe du lịch ở Kiên Giang đi Cần Thơ, Châu Đốc, Bạc […]
Dịch Vụ Thuê Xe đón tiễn sân bay Rạch Giá Kiên Giang Chúng tôi cho thuê xe du lịch 4 chỗ tại Kiên Giang phục vụ đón/tiễn khách tại Bến tàu Rạch Giá, Hà Tiên và Cửa khẩu Hà Tiên. Xe du lịch 4, 7, 16, 29, 45 chỗ đời mới. Cho thuê xe du lịch ở Kiên Giang đi Cần Thơ, Châu Đốc, […]